Coping with Stress in a Stressful World: Teaching Students How to Manage Their Emotions, Thoughts, and Behavior



$599.00 (Single Purchase) / $12,500.00 (Site License Purchase)

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What:       6 Contact Hours of Video Presentations/

                 6 Independent Study Hours

                 (12 Continuing Education Units total)

Where:      At a Computer Near You

Who:         Dr. Howie Knoff, President,

                  Project ACHIEVE Educational Solutions

All Courses are Purchased "In Perpetuity."


Video Course comes with Syllabus, Handouts, Readings, Resources, an Audio Presentation Option, Quizzes, and a Certificate (CEU) of Attendance.

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Session 1Anxiety, Trauma, Stress and Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Self-Management

Session 2De-Stressing Our Schools

Session 3Teaching and Nurturing Emotional Control and Self-Regulation

Session 4Understanding and Addressing Students with Significant Emotional Needs

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Course Overview

      The recent pandemic aside, there are more students experiencing high levels of stress than ever before.  Significantly, however, stress is more prevalent among school-aged students than trauma—even though the popular press typically uses the latter over the former term. Moreover, recent research reviewing over 7,000 school-related studies over the past decade has found that there are no Trauma-Informed School Programs that have been effectively evaluated such that they have demonstrated any efficacy in addressing student trauma.

      Given this, schools and staff need, first and foremost, to be stress-sensitive and stress-responsive to their students. This begins with safe schools, positive relationships, prosocial interactions, and teaching students, from preschool through high school, interpersonal, social problem-solving, conflict prevention and resolution, and emotional control, communication, and coping skills. These skills help students develop the resilience and protective strengths that they need to make them both stress-resistant and stress-responsive.

      This four-session video-course is for administrators, general and special education teachers, related service professionals (counselors, educational/school psychologists, social workers), and other interested educators or clinicians.

      The course differentiates between anxiety, stress, and trauma, and discuss how students’ emotional “triggers” result in fight, flight, or freeze responses. We talk about ways to teach students emotional self-regulation in the classroom so that they learn how to prevent and prepare for stressful situations. And, we address how to analyze why some students still have difficulties, and what cognitive-behavioral interventions our mental health professionals may need to consider. All of this is adapted for both general and special education classrooms.

Objectives and Outcomes

During this course, participants will learn about:

  1. The characteristics of stress, anxiety, and trauma, and how the interaction between students’ physiological and psychological processes translates into classroom and school behavior and interactions.
  2. How to design and implement a psychologically-based, multi-tiered, stress-sensitive and stress-responsive system to address students’ emotional needs in schools and classrooms (as relevant to at-school, hybrid, and on-line/virtual school attendance models, as well as in classrooms with mainstreamed students with disabilities).
  3. Preventative approaches to teach students how to prevent and prepare for emotionally stressful triggers and conditions through emotional self-regulation skills and strategies.
  4. Ways to analyze and understand why some students continue to have frequent or significant stress-based classroom and school difficulties.
  5. Strategic cognitive-behavioral intervention approaches for students with significant stress-based classroom and school difficulties.