Expanding Related Service Professionals' Roles to Improve Services to Students MasterClass PLC (Single District/Department/School)




Finally - A High Level PLC MasterClass For Districts, Departments, Schools Ready for the Next Level of Excellence !!!

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Every Session Includes a

One-Hour MasterClass from      Dr. Howie

[Don't Forget Your FREE BONUS for Signing Up !!!]

 WHENSIX Weekly 90-Minute Sessions scheduled to meet the needs of each participating district, department, or school

FACEBOOK RE-PLAY:  View missed session anytime on our dedicated PLC Facebook Page


This PLC will ELEVATE and MOTIVATE You to the Next Level of Professional Involvement and Excellence . . .


What are Your Hidden Areas of Professional Expertise . . .

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That Your Colleagues Do Not Know or Let You Use . . .

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And How Do You Overcome the Barriers So You CAN Reach Your Goals !!!


This PLC MasterClass is open to Related Service Professionals (e.g., school psychologists, counselors, social workers, applied behavior analysts, others), and Special Education Teachers.

Here's Some of the Materials/Resources You Get When You Join Our Exclusive PLC MasterClass Group:

    • The Three-Year School Discipline (Social-Emotional Learning/Positive Behavioral Support) Implementation Monograph
    • Shared Leadership through School-level Committees: Process, Preparation, and First-Year Implementation
      • A Multi-Tiered Service and Support Implementation Guidebook for Schools: Closing the Achievement Gap
      • Access to SEVEN 60- to 90-minute National Webinars on Strategic Planning, Multi-Tiered Services, Social-Emotional Learning systems and strategies, Creating Class-based Behavioral Accountability Systems, Conducting Quarterly Student Achievement Review meetings

        Plus, Receive the Following Bonuses When You Join Today:

          • EXCLUSIVE ACCESS to our PRIVATE PLC Mastermind Facebook Page with its Community Discussion & Networking Opportunities
          • FREE COPY, Discover Your Inner Strength: Cutting Edge Growth Strategies from the Industry's Leading Experts (25 chapters), edited by Drs. Stephen Covey, Ken Blanchard, Howie Knoff, and Brian Tracy-- for just Shipping and Handling
          • 25% OFF ALL of the Other Monographs in the Extensive and Best-Selling Project ACHIEVE Library (for the duration of the PLC Course)

          JOIN TODAY!


          DON'T MISS OUT !!!
