Teaching Students Social, Emotional, & Behavioral Skills to Improve Their Engagement, Learning, Interpersonal Skills, and Self-Control



What:       5 Contact Hours

Where:      At a Computer Near You

Who:         Dr. Howie Knoff, President, Project ACHIEVE Educational Solutions

Cost:         $399.00 (Single User) / $7,500.00 (Site License for School, Department, or Unit)

All Courses are Purchased "In Perpetuity."

While Non-Transferable, They can be Viewed Concurrently by Groups.

Courses come with Handouts/Certificates of Attendance.

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Brief Overview

   There have been many changes in our communities over the past number of years—especially since the beginning of the Pandemic.  Increases in poverty and financial stress, continued changes in the family "unit," the impact of the media and social media; and decreases adult supervision and parenting skills have all contributed to children and adolescents coming to school less prepared to actively engage the schooling process.  In addition, there are more students with attention problems, emotional difficulties, and social skill deficits than ever before.

   As a result, teachers are experiencing more discipline problems in classrooms, they are struggling to teach students who do not have the basic skills (listening, following directions, etc.) needed to learn, and they are becoming frustrated as academic expectations and teacher accountability continue to increase.

    This presentation addresses these challenges by putting the research— demonstrating how students’ social, emotional, and behavioral skills significantly contribute to their classroom engagement and performance—into practice by discussing the importance of social skills instruction for all students from preschool through high school.  Using the evidence-based Stop & Think Social Skills Program and its focus on teaching interpersonal, social problem solving, conflict prevention and resolution, and emotional coping skills, the presentation discusses:

  • How to choose and implement a social skills program as part of a school-wide Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) program;
  • What social skills are most important, and how to teach them in a regular classroom setting;
  • How to apply social skills instruction to the classroom and building routines, and to prevent teasing, taunting, bullying, harassment, hazing, and physical aggression; and
  • How to successfully use social skills instruction as part of a multi-tiered process for special education and other students with more challenging or significant behavioral problems.

    More specifically, this presentation will describe in detail how to teach students—from preschool to high school—specific social, emotional, and behavioral skills; and how to use these skills to address the current pandemic and its stress-related events. Videotaped examples of social skill training, and interactive learning will occur during the presentation, and participants input will be encouraged throughout.

Objectives and Outcomes

   During this presentation, participants will learn about and discuss:

  1. A definition of self-competency/self-management, and how self-competency/self-management represents the primary goal of a social skills training program.
  2. The evidence-based Positive Behavioral Support System that provides the context to social skills instruction; and the evidence-based characteristics of an effective social skills program.
  3. The underlying behavioral science of social skills instruction, and how that science is evident in the Stop & Think Social Skills process—the exemplar used throughout the presentation.
  4. The primary components of the Stop & Think Social Skills process:  Skills and scripts, and social learning theory approach to instruction.
  5. How to teach a social skills lesson—from conditioned prerequisite behaviors to complex social problem-solving behaviors.
  6. The needed school-wide positive behavioral support components that help to sustain social skills instruction and implementation.